About the Report
Over the past 12 months, we’ve spent a great deal of time interviewing our Illume Network Guides in local markets around the world to gain cultural and trend insights.
What we’ve uncovered is that, no matter the culture being explored or the topic being investigated, be it beauty in Brazil or snacking in China, our guides expressed an increasing desire to establish themselves as an ‘individual’. Carving out their own unique identity, following their personal dreams and be different.
Off the back of this discovery, we launched a huge study exploring the global rise of Individuality, and how it’s manifesting itself in five different markets: the UK, USA, Poland, Indonesia and Brazil.
We’ve written numerous blog posts leading up to the launch of the report – from Individuality in Indonesia through to publishing interviews with our Illume Guides on what individuality means to them.
Today, we’re pleased to launch our full report, revealing our global findings about the unstoppable Individuality megatrend.
Click here to view the full report.
If you have any questions about the report and wish to find out more, contact us here.